Boolean vectors

Data Structures

struct  s_bvec
 A boolean vector. More...


typedef s_bvec BVEC
 A boolean vector.


BVEC bvec_copy (BVEC v)
 Create a copy of a bvec.
BVEC bvec_true (int bitnum)
 Build a vector of constant true bdds.
BVEC bvec_false (int bitnum)
 Build a vector of constant false bdds.
BVEC bvec_con (int bitnum, int val)
 Build a boolean vector representing an integer value.
BVEC bvec_var (int bitnum, int offset, int step)
 Build a boolean vector with bdd variables.
BVEC bvec_varfdd (int var)
 Build a boolean vector from a fdd variable block.
BVEC bvec_varvec (int bitnum, int *var)
 Build a boolean vector with the variables passed in an array.
BVEC bvec_coerce (int bitnum, BVEC v)
 Adjust the size of a boolean vector.
int bvec_isconst (BVEC e)
 Test a vector for constant true/false bdds.
int bvec_val (BVEC e)
 Calculate the integer value represented by a boolean vector.
void bvec_free (BVEC v)
 Frees all memory used by a boolean vector.
BVEC bvec_addref (BVEC v)
 Increase reference count of a boolean vector.
BVEC bvec_delref (BVEC v)
 Decrease the reference count of a boolean vector.
BVEC bvec_map1 (BVEC a, BDD(*fun)(BDD))
 Map a function onto a boolean vector.
BVEC bvec_map2 (BVEC a, BVEC b, BDD(*fun)(BDD, BDD))
 Map a function onto a boolean vector.
BVEC bvec_map3 (BVEC a, BVEC b, BVEC c, BDD(*fun)(BDD, BDD, BDD))
 Map a function onto a boolean vector.
BVEC bvec_add (BVEC left, BVEC right)
 Builds a boolean vector for addition.
BVEC bvec_sub (BVEC left, BVEC right)
 Builds a boolean vector for subtraction.
BVEC bvec_mulfixed (BVEC e, int c)
 Builds a boolean vector for multiplication with a constant.
BVEC bvec_mul (BVEC left, BVEC right)
 Builds a boolean vector for multiplication.
int bvec_divfixed (BVEC e, int c, BVEC *res, BVEC *rem)
 Builds a boolean vector for division by a constant.
int bvec_div (BVEC left, BVEC right, BVEC *res, BVEC *rem)
 Builds a boolean vector for division.
BVEC bvec_shlfixed (BVEC e, int pos, BDD c)
 Shift left operation (fixed number of bits).
BVEC bvec_shl (BVEC l, BVEC r, BDD c)
 Shift left operation (symbolic).
BVEC bvec_shrfixed (BVEC e, int pos, BDD c)
 Shift right operation.
BVEC bvec_shr (BVEC l, BVEC r, BDD c)
 Shift right operation (symbolic).
BDD bvec_lth (BVEC left, BVEC right)
 Calculates the truth value of $x < y$.
BDD bvec_lte (BVEC left, BVEC right)
 Calculates the truth value of $x \leq y$.
BDD bvec_gth (BVEC left, BVEC right)
 Calculates the truth value of $x > y$.
BDD bvec_gte (BVEC left, BVEC right)
 Calculates the truth value of $x \geq y $.
BDD bvec_equ (BVEC left, BVEC right)
 Calculates the truth value of $x = y $.
BDD bvec_neq (BVEC left, BVEC right)
 Calculates the truth value of $x \neq y$.

Generated on Mon Jul 23 13:25:15 2007 for BuDDy by  doxygen 1.5.1