Information on BDDs


int bdd_var (BDD r)
 Gets the variable labeling the bdd.
BDD bdd_low (BDD r)
 Gets the false branch of a bdd.
BDD bdd_high (BDD r)
 Gets the true branch of a bdd.
BDD bdd_support (BDD r)
 Returns the variable support of a bdd.
double bdd_satcount (BDD r)
 Calculates the number of satisfying variable assignments.
double bdd_satcountset (BDD, BDD)
 Calculates the number of satisfying variable assignments for a given set of variables.
double bdd_satcountln (BDD r)
 Calculates the logarithm of the number of satisfying variable assignments.
double bdd_satcountlnset (BDD r, BDD varset)
 Calculates the logarithm of the number of satisfying variable assignments for a given set of variables.
int bdd_nodecount (BDD r)
 Counts the number of nodes used for a bdd.
int bdd_anodecount (BDD *r, int num)
 Counts the number of shared nodes in an array of bdds.
int * bdd_varprofile (BDD r)
 Returns a variable profile.
double bdd_pathcount (BDD r)
 Count the number of paths leading to the true terminal.

Generated on Mon Jul 23 13:25:13 2007 for BuDDy by  doxygen 1.5.1