Kernel BDD operations and data structures

Data Structures

struct  s_bddStat
 Status information about the bdd package. More...
struct  s_bddGbcStat
 Status information about garbage collections. More...
struct  s_bddCacheStat
 Status information about cache usage. More...


typedef s_bddStat bddStat
 Status information about the bdd package.
typedef s_bddGbcStat bddGbcStat
 Status information about garbage collections.
typedef s_bddCacheStat bddCacheStat
 Status information about cache usage.


bddinthandler bdd_error_hook (bddinthandler handler)
 Set a handler for error conditions.
bddgbchandler bdd_gbc_hook (bddgbchandler handler)
 Set a handler for garbage collections.
bdd2inthandler bdd_resize_hook (bdd2inthandler handler)
 Set a handler for nodetable resizes.
bddfilehandler bdd_file_hook (bddfilehandler handler)
 Specifies a printing callback handler.
int bdd_init (int nodesize, int cachesize)
 Initializes the bdd package.
void bdd_done (void)
 Resets the bdd package.
int bdd_setvarnum (int num)
 Set the number of used bdd variables.
int bdd_extvarnum (int num)
 Add extra bdd variables.
int bdd_isrunning (void)
 Test whether the package is started or not.
int bdd_setmaxnodenum (int size)
 Set the maximum available number of bdd nodes.
int bdd_setmaxincrease (int size)
 Set maximum number of nodes used to increase node table.
int bdd_setminfreenodes (int mf)
 Set minimum number of nodes to be reclaimed after gbc (as a percentage).
int bdd_getnodenum (void)
 Get the number of active nodes in use.
int bdd_getallocnum (void)
 Get the number of allocated nodes.
char * bdd_versionstr (void)
 Returns a text string with version information.
int bdd_versionnum (void)
 Returns the version number of the bdd package.
void bdd_stats (bddStat *stat)
 Returns some status information about the bdd package.
void bdd_cachestats (bddCacheStat *s)
 Fetch cache access usage.
void bdd_fprintstat (FILE *f)
 Print cache statistics to a file.
void bdd_printstat (void)
 Print cache statistics to stdout.
void bdd_default_gbchandler (int, bddGbcStat *)
 Default garbage collection handler.
void bdd_default_errhandler (int e)
 Default error handler.
const char * bdd_errstring (int)
 Converts an error code to a string.
void bdd_clear_error (void)
 Clears an error condition in the kernel.
BDD bdd_true (void)
 Returns the constant true bdd.
BDD bdd_false (void)
 Returns the constant false bdd.
int bdd_varnum (void)
 Returns the number of defined variables.
BDD bdd_ithvar (int var)
 Returns a bdd representing the i'th variable.
BDD bdd_nithvar (int var)
 Returns a bdd representing the negation of the i'th variable.
BDD bdd_addref (BDD r)
 Increases the reference count on a node.
BDD bdd_delref (BDD r)
 Decreases the reference count on a node.
void bdd_gbc (void)
 Performs a manual garbage collection.
int bdd_scanset (BDD a, int **varset, int *varnum)
 Returns an integer representation of a variable set.
BDD bdd_makeset (int *varset, int varnum)
 Builds a bdd variable set from an integer array.
bddPairbdd_newpair (void)
 Creates an empty variable pair table.
int bdd_setpair (bddPair *pair, int oldvar, int newvar)
 Set one variable pair.
int bdd_setpairs (bddPair *pair, int *oldvar, int *newvar, int size)
 Defines a whole set of pairs.
int bdd_setbddpair (bddPair *pair, int oldvar, BDD newvar)
 Set one variable pair.
int bdd_setbddpairs (bddPair *pair, int *olvar, BDD *newvar, int size)
 Defines a whole set of pairs.
void bdd_resetpair (bddPair *p)
 Clear all variable pairs.
void bdd_freepair (bddPair *p)
 Frees a table of pairs.
int bdd_setcacheratio (int r)
 Sets the cache ratio for the operator caches.


const BDD bddfalse
 The constant false bdd.
const BDD bddtrue
 The constant true bdd.

Generated on Mon Jul 23 13:25:13 2007 for BuDDy by  doxygen 1.5.1