BDD operators


#define bdd_relprod(a, b, var)   bdd_appex((a),(b),bddop_and,(var))
 Relational product.


BDD bdd_buildcube (int value, int width, BDD *var)
 Build a cube from an array of variables specified by a BDD array.
BDD bdd_ibuildcube (int value, int width, int *var)
 Build a cube from an array of variables.
BDD bdd_not (BDD r)
 Negates a bdd.
BDD bdd_apply (BDD l, BDD r, int op)
 Basic bdd operations.
BDD bdd_and (BDD l, BDD r)
 The logical 'and' of two bdds.
BDD bdd_or (BDD l, BDD r)
 The logical 'or' of two bdds.
BDD bdd_xor (BDD l, BDD r)
 The logical 'xor' of two bdds.
BDD bdd_imp (BDD l, BDD r)
 The logical 'implication' between two bdds.
BDD bdd_biimp (BDD l, BDD r)
 The logical 'bi-implication' between two bdds.
BDD bdd_ite (BDD f, BDD g, BDD h)
 If-then-else operator.
BDD bdd_restrict (BDD r, BDD var)
 Restric a set of variables to constant values.
BDD bdd_constrain (BDD f, BDD c)
 Generalized cofactor.
BDD bdd_replace (BDD r, bddPair *pair)
 Replaces variables with other variables.
BDD bdd_compose (BDD f, BDD g, BDD v)
 Functional composition.
BDD bdd_veccompose (BDD g, bddPair *pair)
 Simultaneous functional composition.
BDD bdd_simplify (BDD f, BDD d)
 Coudert and madre's restrict function.
BDD bdd_exist (BDD r, BDD var)
 Existential quantification of variables.
BDD bdd_forall (BDD r, BDD var)
 Universal quantification of variables.
BDD bdd_unique (BDD, BDD)
 Unique quantification of variables.
BDD bdd_appex (BDD l, BDD r, int opr, BDD var)
 Apply operation and existential quantification.
BDD bdd_appall (BDD l, BDD r, int opr, BDD var)
 Apply operation and universal quantification.
BDD bdd_appuni (BDD l, BDD r, int opr, BDD var)
 Apply operation and unique quantification.
BDD bdd_satone (BDD r)
 Finds one satisfying variable assignment.
BDD bdd_satoneset (BDD r, BDD var, BDD pol)
 Finds one satisfying variable assignment.
BDD bdd_fullsatone (BDD r)
 Finds one satisfying variable assignment.
void bdd_allsat (BDD r, bddallsathandler handler)
 Finds all satisfying variable assignments.

Generated on Mon Jul 23 13:25:16 2007 for BuDDy by  doxygen 1.5.1