BDD bdd_buildcube ( int  value,
int  width,
BDD var 

Build a cube from an array of variables specified by a BDD array.

This function builds a cube from the variables in var. It does so by interpreting the width low order bits of value as a bit mask - a set bit indicates that the variable should be added in it's positive form, and a cleared bit the opposite. The most significant bits are encoded with the first variables in variables. Consider as an example the call

 bdd_buildcube(0xB, 4, var);
This corresponds to the expression: $var[0] \land \lnot var[1] \land var[2] \land var[3]$. This version of the function takes an array of BDDs as var.

The resulting cube.
See also:
bdd_ithvar, fdd_ithvar

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