bddinthandler bdd_reorder_hook ( bddinthandler  handler  ) 

Sets a handler for automatic reorderings.

Whenever automatic reordering is done, a check is done to see if the user has supplied a handler for that event. If so then it is called with the argument prestate being 1 if the handler is called immediately before reordering and prestate being 0 if it is called immediately after. The default handler is bdd_default_reohandler which will print information about the reordering. A typical handler could look like this:

 void reorderhandler(int prestate) 
   if (prestate) 
     printf("Start reordering"); 
     printf("End reordering"); 

The previous handler.
See also:
bdd_reorder, bdd_autoreorder, bdd_resize_hook

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