bdd.h File Reference

#include <stdio.h>

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Data Structures

struct  s_bddPair
 Data type for representing a set of variable substitutions for use with bdd_replace. More...
struct  s_bddStat
 Status information about the bdd package. More...
struct  s_bddGbcStat
 Status information about garbage collections. More...
struct  s_bddCacheStat
 Status information about cache usage. More...


#define bddop_and   0
#define bddop_xor   1
#define bddop_or   2
#define bddop_nand   3
#define bddop_nor   4
#define bddop_imp   5
#define bddop_biimp   6
#define bddop_diff   7
#define bddop_less   8
#define bddop_invimp   9
#define bddop_not   10
#define bddop_simplify   11
#define bdd_relprod(a, b, var)   bdd_appex((a),(b),bddop_and,(var))
 Relational product.
#define BDD_REORDER_NONE   0
#define BDD_REORDER_WIN2   1
#define BDD_REORDER_SIFT   3
#define BDD_REORDER_WIN3   5
#define BDD_REORDER_FREE   0
#define BDD_MEMORY   (-1)
 Out of memory.
#define BDD_VAR   (-2)
 Unknown variable.
#define BDD_RANGE   (-3)
 Variable value out of range (not in domain).
#define BDD_DEREF   (-4)
 Removing external reference to unknown node.
#define BDD_RUNNING   (-5)
 Called bdd_init() twice whithout bdd_done().
#define BDD_FILE   (-6)
 Some file operation failed.
#define BDD_FORMAT   (-7)
 Incorrect file format.
#define BDD_ORDER   (-8)
#define BDD_BREAK   (-9)
 User called break.
#define BDD_VARNUM   (-10)
 Different number of vars.
#define BDD_NODES   (-11)
 Tried to set max. than there already has been allocated.
#define BDD_OP   (-12)
 Unknown operator.
#define BDD_VARSET   (-13)
 Illegal variable set.
#define BDD_VARBLK   (-14)
 Bad variable block operation.
#define BDD_DECVNUM   (-15)
 Trying to decrease the number of variables.
#define BDD_REPLACE   (-16)
 Replacing to already existing variables.
#define BDD_NODENUM   (-17)
 Number of nodes reached user defined maximum.
#define BDD_ILLBDD   (-18)
 Illegal bdd argument.
#define BDD_SIZE   (-19)
 Illegal size argument.
#define BVEC_SIZE   (-20)
 Mismatch in bitvector size.
#define BVEC_SHIFT   (-21)
 Illegal shift-left/right parameter.
#define BVEC_DIVZERO   (-22)
 Division by zero.
#define BDD_ERRNUM   24


typedef int BDD
 Data type for representing BDDs.
typedef BDD bdd
 Alternative name for data type for representing BDDs.
typedef s_bddPair bddPair
 Data type for representing a set of variable substitutions for use with bdd_replace.
typedef s_bddStat bddStat
 Status information about the bdd package.
typedef s_bddGbcStat bddGbcStat
 Status information about garbage collections.
typedef s_bddCacheStat bddCacheStat
 Status information about cache usage.
typedef void(*) bddinthandler (int)
 Data type for error handlers for use with bdd_error_hook.
typedef void(*) bddgbchandler (int, bddGbcStat *)
 Data type for garbage collection handlers for use with bdd_gbc_hook.
typedef void(*) bdd2inthandler (int, int)
 Data type for node table resize handlers for use with bdd_resize_hook.
typedef int(*) bddsizehandler (void)
 Data type for BDD minimization handlers for use with bdd_resize_hook.
typedef void(*) bddfilehandler (FILE *, int)
 Data type for printing handlers for use with bdd_file_hook.
typedef void(*) bddallsathandler (char *, int)
 Data type for satisfying assignment handlers for use with bdd_allsat.


bddinthandler bdd_error_hook (bddinthandler handler)
 Set a handler for error conditions.
bddgbchandler bdd_gbc_hook (bddgbchandler handler)
 Set a handler for garbage collections.
bdd2inthandler bdd_resize_hook (bdd2inthandler handler)
 Set a handler for nodetable resizes.
bddinthandler bdd_reorder_hook (bddinthandler handler)
 Sets a handler for automatic reorderings.
bddfilehandler bdd_file_hook (bddfilehandler handler)
 Specifies a printing callback handler.
int bdd_init (int nodesize, int cachesize)
 Initializes the bdd package.
void bdd_done (void)
 Resets the bdd package.
int bdd_setvarnum (int num)
 Set the number of used bdd variables.
int bdd_extvarnum (int num)
 Add extra bdd variables.
int bdd_isrunning (void)
 Test whether the package is started or not.
int bdd_setmaxnodenum (int size)
 Set the maximum available number of bdd nodes.
int bdd_setmaxincrease (int size)
 Set maximum number of nodes used to increase node table.
int bdd_setminfreenodes (int mf)
 Set minimum number of nodes to be reclaimed after gbc (as a percentage).
int bdd_getnodenum (void)
 Get the number of active nodes in use.
int bdd_getallocnum (void)
 Get the number of allocated nodes.
char * bdd_versionstr (void)
 Returns a text string with version information.
int bdd_versionnum (void)
 Returns the version number of the bdd package.
void bdd_stats (bddStat *stat)
 Returns some status information about the bdd package.
void bdd_cachestats (bddCacheStat *s)
 Fetch cache access usage.
void bdd_fprintstat (FILE *f)
 Print cache statistics to a file.
void bdd_printstat (void)
 Print cache statistics to stdout.
void bdd_default_gbchandler (int, bddGbcStat *)
 Default garbage collection handler.
void bdd_default_errhandler (int e)
 Default error handler.
const char * bdd_errstring (int)
 Converts an error code to a string.
void bdd_clear_error (void)
 Clears an error condition in the kernel.
BDD bdd_true (void)
 Returns the constant true bdd.
BDD bdd_false (void)
 Returns the constant false bdd.
int bdd_varnum (void)
 Returns the number of defined variables.
BDD bdd_ithvar (int var)
 Returns a bdd representing the i'th variable.
BDD bdd_nithvar (int var)
 Returns a bdd representing the negation of the i'th variable.
int bdd_var (BDD r)
 Gets the variable labeling the bdd.
BDD bdd_low (BDD r)
 Gets the false branch of a bdd.
BDD bdd_high (BDD r)
 Gets the true branch of a bdd.
BDD bdd_addref (BDD r)
 Increases the reference count on a node.
BDD bdd_delref (BDD r)
 Decreases the reference count on a node.
void bdd_gbc (void)
 Performs a manual garbage collection.
int bdd_scanset (BDD a, int **varset, int *varnum)
 Returns an integer representation of a variable set.
BDD bdd_makeset (int *varset, int varnum)
 Builds a bdd variable set from an integer array.
bddPairbdd_newpair (void)
 Creates an empty variable pair table.
int bdd_setpair (bddPair *pair, int oldvar, int newvar)
 Set one variable pair.
int bdd_setpairs (bddPair *pair, int *oldvar, int *newvar, int size)
 Defines a whole set of pairs.
int bdd_setbddpair (bddPair *pair, int oldvar, BDD newvar)
 Set one variable pair.
int bdd_setbddpairs (bddPair *pair, int *olvar, BDD *newvar, int size)
 Defines a whole set of pairs.
void bdd_resetpair (bddPair *p)
 Clear all variable pairs.
void bdd_freepair (bddPair *p)
 Frees a table of pairs.
int bdd_setcacheratio (int r)
 Sets the cache ratio for the operator caches.
BDD bdd_buildcube (int value, int width, BDD *var)
 Build a cube from an array of variables specified by a BDD array.
BDD bdd_ibuildcube (int value, int width, int *var)
 Build a cube from an array of variables.
BDD bdd_not (BDD r)
 Negates a bdd.
BDD bdd_apply (BDD l, BDD r, int op)
 Basic bdd operations.
BDD bdd_and (BDD l, BDD r)
 The logical 'and' of two bdds.
BDD bdd_or (BDD l, BDD r)
 The logical 'or' of two bdds.
BDD bdd_xor (BDD l, BDD r)
 The logical 'xor' of two bdds.
BDD bdd_imp (BDD l, BDD r)
 The logical 'implication' between two bdds.
BDD bdd_biimp (BDD l, BDD r)
 The logical 'bi-implication' between two bdds.
BDD bdd_ite (BDD f, BDD g, BDD h)
 If-then-else operator.
BDD bdd_restrict (BDD r, BDD var)
 Restric a set of variables to constant values.
BDD bdd_constrain (BDD f, BDD c)
 Generalized cofactor.
BDD bdd_replace (BDD r, bddPair *pair)
 Replaces variables with other variables.
BDD bdd_compose (BDD f, BDD g, BDD v)
 Functional composition.
BDD bdd_veccompose (BDD g, bddPair *pair)
 Simultaneous functional composition.
BDD bdd_simplify (BDD f, BDD d)
 Coudert and madre's restrict function.
BDD bdd_exist (BDD r, BDD var)
 Existential quantification of variables.
BDD bdd_forall (BDD r, BDD var)
 Universal quantification of variables.
BDD bdd_unique (BDD, BDD)
 Unique quantification of variables.
BDD bdd_appex (BDD l, BDD r, int opr, BDD var)
 Apply operation and existential quantification.
BDD bdd_appall (BDD l, BDD r, int opr, BDD var)
 Apply operation and universal quantification.
BDD bdd_appuni (BDD l, BDD r, int opr, BDD var)
 Apply operation and unique quantification.
BDD bdd_support (BDD r)
 Returns the variable support of a bdd.
BDD bdd_satone (BDD r)
 Finds one satisfying variable assignment.
BDD bdd_satoneset (BDD r, BDD var, BDD pol)
 Finds one satisfying variable assignment.
BDD bdd_fullsatone (BDD r)
 Finds one satisfying variable assignment.
void bdd_allsat (BDD r, bddallsathandler handler)
 Finds all satisfying variable assignments.
double bdd_satcount (BDD r)
 Calculates the number of satisfying variable assignments.
double bdd_satcountset (BDD, BDD)
 Calculates the number of satisfying variable assignments for a given set of variables.
double bdd_satcountln (BDD r)
 Calculates the logarithm of the number of satisfying variable assignments.
double bdd_satcountlnset (BDD r, BDD varset)
 Calculates the logarithm of the number of satisfying variable assignments for a given set of variables.
int bdd_nodecount (BDD r)
 Counts the number of nodes used for a bdd.
int bdd_anodecount (BDD *r, int num)
 Counts the number of shared nodes in an array of bdds.
int * bdd_varprofile (BDD r)
 Returns a variable profile.
double bdd_pathcount (BDD r)
 Count the number of paths leading to the true terminal.
void bdd_printall (void)
 Prints all used entries in the node table to stdout.
void bdd_fprintall (FILE *ofile)
 Prints all used entries in the node table to a file.
void bdd_fprinttable (FILE *ofile, BDD r)
 Prints the node table entries used by a bdd to a file.
void bdd_printtable (BDD r)
 Prints the node table entries used by a bdd to stdout.
void bdd_fprintset (FILE *ofile, BDD r)
 Prints the set of truth assignments specified by a bdd to a file.
void bdd_printset (BDD r)
 Prints the set of truth assignments specified by a bdd to stdout.
int bdd_fnprintdot (char *fname, BDD r)
 Prints a description of a bdd in dot format to a file specified by filename.
void bdd_fprintdot (FILE *ofile, BDD r)
 Prints a description of a bdd in dot format to a file.
void bdd_printdot (BDD r)
 Prints a description of a bdd in dot format to stdout.
int bdd_fnsave (char *fname, BDD r)
 Saves a bdd to a file specified by filename.
int bdd_save (FILE *ofile, BDD r)
 Saves a bdd to a file.
int bdd_fnload (char *fname, BDD *r)
 Loads a bdd from a file specified by filename.
int bdd_load (FILE *ifile, BDD *r)
 Loads a bdd from a file.
int bdd_swapvar (int v1, int v2)
 Swap two bdd variables.
void bdd_default_reohandler (int prestate)
 Default reorder handler.
void bdd_reorder (int method)
 Start dynamic reordering.
int bdd_reorder_gain (void)
 Calculate the gain in size after a reordering.
bddsizehandler bdd_reorder_probe (bddsizehandler handler)
 Define a handler for minimization of bdds.
void bdd_clrvarblocks (void)
 Clears all variable blocks.
int bdd_addvarblock (BDD b, int fixed)
 Adds a new variable block for reordering.
int bdd_intaddvarblock (int first, int last, int fixed)
 Adds a new variable block for reordering.
void bdd_varblockall (void)
 Add a variable block for all variables.
bddfilehandler bdd_blockfile_hook (bddfilehandler handler)
 Specifies a printing callback handler.
int bdd_autoreorder (int method)
 Enables automatic reordering.
int bdd_autoreorder_times (int method, int num)
 Enables automatic reordering.
int bdd_var2level (int var)
 Fetch the level of a specific bdd variable.
int bdd_level2var (int level)
 Fetch the variable number of a specific level.
int bdd_getreorder_times (void)
 Fetch the current number of allowed reorderings.
int bdd_getreorder_method (void)
 Fetch the current reorder method.
void bdd_enable_reorder (void)
 Enables automatic reordering.
void bdd_disable_reorder (void)
 Disable automatic reordering.
int bdd_reorder_verbose (int value)
 Enables verbose information about reorderings.
void bdd_setvarorder (int *neworder)
 Set a specific variable order.
void bdd_printorder (void)
 Prints the current order to stdout.
void bdd_fprintorder (FILE *ofile)
 Prints the current order to a file.


const BDD bddfalse
 The constant false bdd.
const BDD bddtrue
 The constant true bdd.

Detailed Description

Definition in file bdd.h.

Generated on Mon Jul 23 13:25:13 2007 for BuDDy by  doxygen 1.5.1